Monday, May 18, 2009

Morning Motivator for the VisionQuester

Go out and seize the day!

Lat Girl will post her workout later!


  1. I got that first one on my IPOD!!! LOVE THAT VERSION!!!!

    This is SOOO uncanny... check out this comment I wrote on Hardbody yesterday BEFORE you posted this Eminem/DMB!!! I totally NEVER saw/heard this before.

    THANK YOU SO MUCH LISA.. is it OK if I seize Tuesday instead?

    Thanks for the poem on my blog.

  2. BTW Lisa... I totally used that Lose Yourself song literally every workout my first prep.


  3. You can seize that anyday of the week! Tuesday sounds like a good day to start though.......I just looked up your comment on hardbody and that is really uncanny I swear I never even go on that site! I just figured your PMA was sounding so awesome I would just give you that extra little boost today! To be honest I love my tunes on my IPod and the moment when I step upstairs into the workout area the first song I play is "Here I am" rap tune but it gets me fired up and running! Another one is Slide show by TI and John Legand, however watching all the DMB on You Tube today I think you might have me hooked and I will be down loading that Eminem and DMW for lifting that will def. light a fire under my butt!

    Take Care and hit it hard and also rock it out at the Gym tomorrow!


  4. Thank you for such good information.......If you love to workout, just like me......Please check out the blogs mentioned below, its really informative !!!!..... check it out m sure you'll love it.

  5. Thank you apoorva! I just added staysharp with workouts.blogspot..........She has so many great ideas can't wait to read through the blog and see what I can incorporate into my own life and family!

    Thank you for sharing!

    Lisa T.
