Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Metabolism Article

I was online tonight and found an article about Metabolic Slowdown and thought this one was pretty interesting so I thought I would share!

Author is Wayne Mcgregor who has a degree in nutrition and dietetics, and a diploma in fitness training

Dieting and the Metabolic Slowdown
Metabolic slowdown when dieting

Metabolic slowdown will happen to everyone on a calorie reduced diet. This also includes people on a low-carb diet as the net effect of the low-carb is also a calorie reduced intake. A slow metabolism is often the reason why dieters experience a sticking point in their weight loss results, but why and how does a slow metabolism occur and how can we reduce the effects?

The biggest mistake many dieters make is cutting calories too much too soon. With an overwhelming desire to lose weight quickly they start dieting with the attitude that cutting calories more would result in shedding more fat from the body stores. This is a major mistake and the reason why weight is gained back soon after dieting. This practice always leads to a metabolic slowdown as the body tries to conserve energy. Glycogen stores become depleted and the body must oxidize protein more regularly to account for a severe calorie reduction. Both processes cause the body to lose water, thus weight is lost quickly but unfortunately, more than 90 percent will come from lean tissue.

Reducing metabolic slowdown
No matter how you lose weight there will always be some amount of metabolic slowdown. The trick is to limit the slowing of your metabolism as much as possible. The best policy to ensure a lower metabolic slowdown is to work out your present calorie intake and reduce it by 15 percent. The body will recognise and react to a smaller deficit by oxidising (burning) more fat. In general a calorie reduction greater than 15 percent will lead to bigger metabolic slowdown, making fat loss more difficult. To be safe never consume fewer calories than your resting metabolism.

An example using the quick method for estimating maintenance calorie requirement

A female weighing 200 pounds!

Maintenance of present weight = 15 - 16 calories per lb. of body weight

200 x 15 = 3000 calories per day.

Reduce by 15% - 3000 x 0.85 = 2550.

The female in the example above roughly requires a diet wit a total of 2550 calories per day. This is only a rough guide based on body weight. Other factors such as age, sex, body composition and activity levels should be included in order to work out an accurate calorie requirement.

Work out your calorie requirement more accurately here -- NOTE! I would suggest using the Harris-Benedict equation, then multiply the number by your appropriate activity multiplier!

No matter how you work out your daily calorie requirements just remember the 15 percent rule and you will lose weight and limit a slowdown in your metabolism. You may only lose up to 2 pounds each week but at least it will be fat loss, the best way to gradually reveal your taught, muscular body underneath!

Human Metabolism rate
Potential change in metabolic speed rate

Slow metabolic rate causes weight problems

Increase mitochondria to speed up metabolic rate
Raise Metabolism with little Exercise
Factors that speed up metabolism

Ways to increase the metabolism


  1. Good article. I wish some of my clients would truly understand this concept!

  2. Good info! Thanks Lisa!

  3. Hey chica! Not sure why, but I can't get your feed to show up on my blog roll...so I am going mess with it tonight and see if I can get it fixed.

    Great info....I think the other really interesting thing about metabolic slowdown is that it can be offset or compounded by overtraining and not just calorie restriction. Thanks for sharing!

